Thursday 20 September 2012

Cover Letter

RE: Application for the position of the IT Support Helpdesk

Dear Ms Blyth,

The skills and knowledge required in this position are the ability to communicate and listen to others as well as the knowledge of operating systems, hardware operation, leading software, local and wide area networks. Also you must have excellent problem solving skills as well as the ability to make decisions independently and lastly can work well under pressure and can prioritise work.

I have demonstrated these skills in mainly in classroom scenarios, typically occurrences of the portrayal of these skills are as follows: having to quickly finish a task and/or activity whether it may be jotting down notes or finishing off a work sheet. Secondly I take the initiative to help others in times of need, for example when people need assistance in certain fields that I specialise in. Lastly, I have demonstrated problem solving skills in small yet somewhat important times that largely/ vastly accumulated over the times where it be helping classmates or assisting the teacher.

Through my previous areas of study in IT Units 1 and 2, I fell that I accompany the skills with me to be able to; troubleshoot technical issues and the ability to passively assist any individual. Additionally, I am a keen and strife to accomplish given task in the fastest, yet the most precise way possible to continue my growth and perfection in the area of IT.

With kind regards,

Aaron Phetsomphou

What's your career in IT?

Copy the link below to be directed to the quiz where you will find what job best fits you

Monday 17 September 2012

TOE Chart and Pseudo Code for Millionaire

Pseudo code
Heading (label)
Questions (label)
Answers (label)
Display information
Display text
Exit (Button)
Close program
A B C D (button)
Ask if sure
Check if answer is correct and update score accordingly
Launch “are you sure?” form
If yes selected
        Check answer
        Display right or wrong
        Change score
If no selected
        Close form
Shows current score
Displays the score
Shows the answer
Display answer

Here is my TOE chart for my "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" interface

Layout Diagram for Who Wants to be a Millionaire

This is my layout diagram for the "Who wants to be a Millionaire?" The question appears appears under the heading, then the competitor chooses out of the options A,B,C and D then has to press the next button and the button under that shows whether the answer is write or wrong. This isn't precisely how it may appear but it is a close interpretation the final may have slight variations.

Pizza Ordering System

This is the final result for my 'Lucky Pizza Ordering System'. This screen cap shows what the interface will look like as well as the code. The lucky Pizza program is finally done. This program will allow "lucky pizza"'s employee to calculate the cost of the pizza that their customers ordered.

Thursday 13 September 2012

TOE Chart & Pseudo Code for Pizza Order

Pseudo Code
Exit Button
Close program

Clear Button
Clears the current order and then checks the Hawaiian radio button, unchecks all the checkboxes and also displays $7.00 in the price label
On button “clear” click
Change radio button to Hawaiian
Uncheck all extra toppings
Change price label to $7.00
Display Title

Calculate button
Calculates the total price
Depending on which boxes are ticked a certain price will be added to the total price and the single price is multiplied by the number of pizzas
Pizza Radio buttons
Selects the type pizza

Extra topping check boxes
Adds a certain amount for each topping selected

# of Pizzas text box
Multiplies the singular price by the number inserted

This is the TOE Chart for the "Lucky Pizza Ordering System" program. The object is what and the event is what has to be done for the task to occur.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Pizza Order Layout Diagram

This is the layout diagram for my lucky pizza Lucky Pizza Ordering System. The function of this program is to calculate the price of the order to the users liking. There are 5 pizza types and there are also extra toppings that the user can choose to put in. The user can also decide how many of the pizzas they want to order by inputting a number in the box. It also shows the codes and conventions of my program such as font size, style and colour.

Monday 27 August 2012

Magic 8 Ball

This is a screen cap of the code and visual for the "Magic 8 Ball" program

Tuesday 21 August 2012

TOE Chart and Pseudo Code for Magic 8 Ball

Pseudo Code
Answer Label
Exit Button
Close program
Shake Button
Generate a random response in the answer label
On button “shake’ click
Generate random number between 1-3
If the random number = 1
Display “Not Sure” in label answer “answer”
If random number = 2
Display “OK” in label “answer”
If random number = 3
Display “Maybe” in label “answer”
Display Title



A TOE chart is a charting mechanism that displays the "Obejcts, Events and Tasks" of a specific program, it's used so that the programmer can easily depict what everything does.

The TOE is relevant to the layout diagram diagram because it portrays what each element of the layout diagram does.

This TOE chart also displays Pseudo Code

Monday 20 August 2012

Layout Diagram for Magic 8 Ball

This 'Magic 8 Ball' program will answer any question

All you have to do is type in your question, press 'shake' and your answer will magically appear

This has been designed in this format to it can be simplistic and easy to use